Tokyomilk Dark Shower Gel in Destiny No. 79

Tokyomilk Dark Destiny No. 79 Shower Gel

Tokyomilk Dark Destiny No. 79 Shower Gel

I am a sucker for anything that smells even remotely like cardamom, and even though Tokyomilk Dark Shower Gel in Destiny No. 79 does not specifically list cardamom as an ingredient, I get a definite cardamom vibe when using this luxuriously thick and perfumed shower gel.

Tokyomilk indicates the gel contains notes of ginger, jasmine, and honeysuckle, as well as jojoba and shea butter to moisturize skin.

This stuff is thick, so a little bead in the palm of your hand will lather up into a dense pouf of bubbles you can apply liberally–great for shaving, although the product is not advertised for this purpose.

I just love the texture of this stuff–such plush, soft lather! I’m also a big believer in the power of shea butter, so I’m thrilled the ingredient is present in this gel.

If you like exotic, spicy scents and shower gels that actually perfume your skin rather than simply evaporating, this or any of the other Tokyomilk Dark products might appeal to you, as they do to me.

Where I found my shower gel: Gift shop at the famous Brown Hotel of Louisville, Kentucky

Where you can find this shower gel: Use the link at the top of this review to go to the Tokyomilk online shop.